Time Management Quick Fix

You are busy with school, family, work, and dealing with Covid-19. Life is weird today! One of the most important things to do right now is to work on managing your time. You can use ideas such as MoSCoW (must do, should do, could do, won't do) to prioritize tasks, or you can use the simple plan below, which organizes you by month, week, and day:

1. Month: The big picture

month calendar

Get a monthly calendar. It can be in your email, on a wall, or on a piece of paper, but should show a full month at a time. Here are some printable monthly calendars for 2020:
July | August | September | October | November | December

Then write in the deadlines that will not (or will not be likely to) change. Since our courses are 6 weeks long, you can have close to two months of calendars ready to go with these items, which include non-school scheduled events, too:

2. Week: Simple checklist

week checklist

Write a weekly checklist for schoolwork. Do not worry about dates, as the main ones should be on the calendar - this part of your plan can be very simple. Include the items listed below. You can even use this checklist if you like.

3. Day: Reminders

daily reminders

Put a note next to your computer or use a sticky note on your desktop. This does not need change every week or every month - this is just for reminders when you sit down at the computer! Include two things:

Make sure you communicate any questions or issues before a deadline occurs. You will find most faculty are willing to give you some leeway if you have communicated. The reason is the same in the workplace: if you do not get a project in to the boss on time, explain why it will be late before the deadline, and the chance for redemption is better. This does not mean that all excuses are acceptable, but still, "communication is key."

Also, asking questions can save you time, instead of worrying about whether or not you have understood some instructions.



This page © Tamara Fudge